Zombie Apocalypse Training

Zombie Apocalypse Training

Zombie Apocalypse Training, archery, knife and axe throwing, target shooting. Training sessions now available at Paintball Wolverhampton, Paintball Birmingham, Paintball Buckingham. Choose 3 activities.
Skirmish Archery is for adults, stags, hens and birthdays, perfect for any occasion. Archery is a fast growing Olympic and Paralympic sport fun for people of all ages and abilities to take part in. Skirmish has a development team which is responsible for providing support to developing your skills. Whether you want a have a go session or to get full and professional tuition Skirmish Archery is for you. Perfect for Stag Parties, Hen Parties, Birthday Parties or any kind of party. Minimum group size of 5 required to run a session. Schools, scouts, youth groups and just for fun.


Archery is one of the fastest growing sports in the UK. It captures the imagination of over 1000 and many more at ‘have a go’ events at activity centres, holiday parks, fairs, outdoor shows and tourist attractions across the UK. There are many ways you can get involved and progress in the sport as an archer, leader, coach, judge or club volunteer. It is a very sociable sport and provides the opportunity to shoot in a social setting and participate in friendly competitions. Whatever your need, you will find that archery provides a balance between fun and fitness no matter what your ability. Archery provides opportunities for all in a number of ways. It provides four disciplines where the shooting format differs:
  • Target is the most popular form of archery, in which members shoot at stationary circular targets at varying distances and is practiced indoor and outdoor.
  • Field archery involves shooting at targets of varying (sometimes unmarked) distance, often in woodland and rough terrain.
  • Clout is a form where archers shoot at a flag (known as “the Clout”) from a relatively long distance and score points depending on how close each arrow lands
  • In flight archery the aim is to shoot the greatest distance and requires a large flat area such as an aerodrome

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